Component 2: Building Teacher Leaders
Our project aims to deliver research-based Virtual Professional Development (VPD)to 1,800 teacher leaders working with students in a second language and/or who are economically challenged.
Participants are strongly encouraged to complete 45 hours of VPD via 45 hours of Massive Open Online Professional Independent Individual Learning (MOOPILs). Each MOOPIL is made up of a varied number of modules that have an expected completion rate of one hour. Participants will receive a TEA micro-credential certificate upon completing each MOOPIL.
70 randomized participants each year will participate in 18 Virtual Professional Learning Committees (VPLCs) with 35 of the 70 participants also receiving Virtual Mentoring & Coaching (VMC).
In addition, 33% of the participants will produce a MOOPIL related to improving instruction on high-needs campuses with diverse learners resulting in 600 MOOPILs being screened for usability and placed on the website under APLUS Virsity for future educators and school staff to use.
MOOPIL Enrollment
- Click on Available MOOPILs to enroll in your choice of MOOPILs.
- You will receive a TEA endorsed continued professional education certificate (CPE) for each MOOPIL you complete.
You determine the number of MOOPILs you complete.