Component 3: Building Campus Leaders
Research Brief_Combination of MOOPIL and VPLC MJE EDIT (2)
Over three years, 100 principal participants will receive:
- 45 hours of virtual professional development,
- 20 hours of reflective activity (using the Reflective Journal App),
- 5 hours of professional learning committee (PLC) time, and
- 20 hours of virtual mentoring and coaching (VMC).
These are offered to each cohort, for a total of 9,000 hours.
Principals will develop 45 hours of Massive Open Online Professional Individual Learning (MOOPILs) in conjunction with Education Service Center Region 18 to improve instruction. Principals will be engaged in high standards-based professional development.
MOOPIL Enrollment
- Click on Available MOOPILs to enroll in your choice of MOOPILs.
- You will receive a TEA endorsed continued professional education certificate (CPE) for each MOOPIL you complete.
You determine the number of MOOPILs you complete.